
This entry defines socket settings for BAG to communicate with Virtuoso.

The host of the BAG server socket, i.e. the machine running the Virtuoso program. usually localhost.


File containing socket port number for BAG server. When Virtuoso starts the BAG server process, it finds a open port and bind the server to this port. It then creates a file with name in $BAG_WORK_DIR directory, and write the port number to this file.


File containing socket port number for simulation server. When the simulation server starts, it finds a open port and bind the server to this port. It then creates a file with name in $BAG_WORK_DIR directory, and write the port number to this file.


Socket communication debugging log file. All messages sent or received by BAG will be recorded in this log.


number of messages allowed in the ZMQ pipeline. Usually you don’t have to change this.