
This entry defines all settings related to Virtuoso.


The Python class that handles database interaction. This entry is mainly to support non-Virtuoso CAD programs. If you use Virtuoso, the value must be bag.interface.skill.SkillInterface.


This entry contains all settings needed to read/generate schematics.


Technology library. When BAG create new libraries, they will be attached to this technology library. Usually this is the PDK library provided by the foundry.


Instance master of symbol pins. This is a list of library/cell/view names. Most of the time this should be ["basic", "sympin", "symbolNN"].


Instance master of input pins in schematic. This is a list of library/cell/view names. Most of the time this should be ["basic", "ipin", "symbol"].


Instance master of output pins in schematic. This is a list of library/cell/view names. Most of the time this should be ["basic", "opin", "symbol"].


Instance master of inout pins in schematic. This is a list of library/cell/view names. Most of the time this should be ["basic", "iopin", "symbolr"].


A list of simulators where the termOrder CDF field should be defined.

When Virtuoso convert schematics to netlists, it uses the termOrder CDF field to decide how to order the pin names in the netlist. This entry makes BAG update the termOrder field correctly whenever pins are changed.

Most of the time, this should be ["auLvs", "auCdl", "spectre", "hspiceD"].


A list of libraries to exclude when importing schematic generators to BAG. Most of the time, this should be ["analogLib", "basic", {PDK}], where {PDK} is the PDK library.


This entry contains all settings needed to create new testbenches.


A string of config view global libries, separated by spaces. Used to generate config view.


A string of config view global cellviews, separated by spaces. Used to generate config view. Most of the time this should be "spectre calibre schematic veriloga".


A string of config view global stop cellviews, separated by spaces. Used to generate config view. Most of the time this should be "spectre veriloga".


The simulation environment file name. A simulation environment is a combination of process corner and temperature. For example, if you simulate your circuit at TT corner with a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, you may say the simulation environment is TT_50. A simulation environment file contains all simulation environments you want to define when BAG creates a new testbench. This file can be generated by exporting corner setup from an ADE-XL view.


A list of ADE/spectre definition files to include. Sometimes, a process technology uses definition files in addition to model files. If so, you can specify definition files to include here as a list of strings. Use an empty list ([]) if no definition file is needed.


The default simulation environment name. See database.testbench.env_file.


This entry contains all settings needed to run LVS/RCX from BAG.


The Python class that handles LVS/RCX. If you use Calibre with Virtuoso for LVS/RCX, the value must be bag.verification.calibre.Calibre.


LVS run directory.


RCX run directory


LVS runset.


RCX runset.


Location of the source.added file for Calibre LVS. If this entry is not defined, BAG defaults to $DK/Calibre/lvs/source.added.


Whether to use Calibre PEX or Calibre XACT3D flow to perform parasitic extraction. The value should be either pex or xact. If this entry is not defined, BAG defaults to pex.


Location of the Calibre XACT3D rules file. This entry must be defined if using Calibre XACT3D flow.


This entry contains all settings needed to generate calibre view after RCX.


The calibre view cellmap file.


view name for calibre view. Usually calibre.